Frequently Asked Questions

Insurance is a contract between the insurer (the insurance company) and the insured (the policyholder) that provides financial protection against losses. In exchange for paying a premium, the insurer agrees to cover the policyholder for specified risks, such as damage to property, illness, injury, or death. Insurance helps mitigate risk by spreading the financial burden of losses across many policyholders who face similar risks. There are many types of insurance including life, health, property, liability, and more.

Insurance is a contract between the insurer (the insurance company) and the insured (the policyholder) that provides financial protection against losses. In exchange for paying a premium, the insurer agrees to cover the policyholder for specified risks, such as damage to property, illness, injury, or death. Insurance is important in managing risk and protecting yourself against unforeseen events. It provides financial protection and peace of mind in the event of an accident, illness, or other unexpected occurrence. Without insurance, you would be responsible for paying all the costs associated with these events out of pocket, which could be financially devastating. Ultimately, insurance can help you protect your assets, health, and financial well-being.


At Harvest, we are Insurance brokers, so we sell and can offer you various options from all the major insurance companies in The Bahamas, including aviation, homeowners, contractors all risk, motor, marine and much more.

There are many types of insurance, including life, health, property, commercial, liability, key man/person and more. Understanding your unique needs is key. Our experienced agents will assess your situation and recommend the most suitable coverage options.

At Harvest, we prioritize personalized service, transparency, and finding the best insurance solutions for our clients. With us, you’re not a commission in our pockets; you’re family! We frequently provide advice and consultation at absolutely no charge because we believe you deserve the opportunity to be educated in securing your life, health, wealth, and future!

Several factors influence premiums, including your age, driving record, location, coverage limits, health history, deductible, and the type of coverage you choose.

An insurance agent works exclusively for one insurance company, selling its products directly to clients. In contrast, an insurance broker represents clients and offers a variety of insurance options from multiple companies, helping clients find the best coverage for their needs.

We specialize in providing comprehensive insurance options for businesses of all sizes, tailored to their unique needs and risks.

Our agents can help you explore different strategies, such as adjusting your coverage limits and increasing your deductible.

Life changes and insurers understand that. Simply contact us to update your policy to reflect your current needs.

Getting started is easy! Simply contact us by phone or email, and we’ll guide you through the process step by step, ensuring you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford.